First Lateral Bill Update

It has been a whirlwind of bill tracking since session started, but we have come to the first lateral deadline (2/16) with many of our priority environmental bills still alive!

First lateral: all bills referred to more than one committee (i.e., those with multiple referrals) must move to their final committee in the originating chamber by this day.

Some of these bills are still sitting in their final committee, which means we need to get them heard before crossover on 3/8. A handful have already made it to crossover!

Crossover: deadline for bills to pass third reading in order to move (or “crossover”) to the other chamber. If successful, House bills are sent to the Senate and Senate bills are sent to the House for further consideration.

Please update your bill trackers with the bill list below. We will start ramping up our calls to action soon, as many of these bills are passing through tougher committees. Our scope is narrowed, now is the time to push hard for these good bills to be passed this session!

*Note: Designated ALL CAPS acronyms refer to the committee the bill is currently sitting in (e.g., FIN = bill still needs to be heard by the Finance Committee before 3/8 in order to make it to crossover). CRSO = the bill has been heard by all committees it was referred to and now it is headed to crossover.

Sea Level Rise

 HB 2468 FIN, HB 2469 FIN, HB 2106 FIN, SB 2442 CPH, SB 694 CPH, SB 2334 CRSO, SB 3068 WAM, SB 3063 WAM, SB 2017 CPH


HB 2626 FIN, HB 2732 FIN,/SB 2642 CPH/AEN/WTL, SB 2717 WAM, SB 2567 CPH

Clean Energy

HB 1801 FIN, HB 1864 FIN, HB 2460 FIN, SB 2939 WAM, HB 2724 FIN, HB 2719 FIN, SB 2910 WAM/HB 2249 FIN, HB 2110 FIN, HB 1830 FIN


HB 1986 FIN, HB 2182 FIN, HB 795 WTL/WAM, SB 1088 FIN

Oxybenzone Ban

HB 2723 FIN, SB 2571 CPH


SB2498 CPH, HB 2625 FIN, HB 2107 FIN, SB 2285 JDC/WAM, HB 2718 FIN


HB 1806 CRSO, HB 1800 FIN, HB 2726 FIN/SB 3099 WAM, HB 184 FIN, HB 2025 FIN, HB 2095 FIN, SB 2110 CPH

Native/Invasive Species

SB 636 WAM, SB 2399 WAM, HB 2301 FIN


HB 2721 FIN, HB 2722 FIN, HB 1756 FIN, SB 3095 EDU/WAM, SB 2126 CRSO, SB 2569 CRSO

Agriculture/Land Use

SB 2575 WAM, SB 2524 CPH/PSM/AEN, SB 2572 WAM, SB 2561 WAM HB 2101 FIN


HB 479 FIN, SB 2331 WAM


HB 2595 FIN, HB 1977 FIN


SB 2667 CRSO, SB 2668 WAM, SB 2674 CRSO, SB 2675 WAM, SB 2676 WAM


HB 1987 FIN, SB 2930 CPH, HB 2592 FIN

DLNR Funding

SB 2446 WAM

General Environment

HB 1708 FIN, HB 2026 FIN, HB 2470 FIN

The Solar Hot Water Heater Bill: A Case Study

When a good bill dies because of a misunderstanding

A well-intentioned bill can die for many reasons. In the case of HB 2109 HD1, the solar hot water heater bill, the alarm was raised on social media,--as a result of the gas industry spreading a false interpretation of bill language--calling out an amendment (HD1) to the original bill. The request was clear: "testify against the well-intentioned amendment ASAP". Again, this was in response to a claim (that many off-the-grid new homes would not be permitted to install tankless on-demand water heaters) made from the said amendment. Whether or not this claim, and the subsequent outcry of many would-be affected from the public, was indeed with merit, the flooding of opposition to the bill in general resulted in its becoming "controversial" and further, in its subsequent death.

FACT: we can oppose amendments without a killing a good bill! (As evidenced by what happened in the very same hearing to HB 2723 HD1, which, at decision making, was amended to be a stronger version of itself--now HB 2723 HD2--at the demand of multiple testifiers).

HB 2109 HD1 was deferred in the House Committee on Consumer Protection and Commerce, a disappointment for many in the fight for renewable energy sources that align with Hawaiʻi's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) goals of 100% clean energy by 2045.

Remember, as a bill makes its way through both chambers, months before it has a chance to even become a law, there are opportunities to modify and clarify language (i.e., make amendments), such that problems (e.g., the ones raised by the public) may be addressed. In the case of HB 2109 HD1, the opposition to a well-intentioned bill, instead of the amendments attached to it, resulted in a yet another win by Hawaiʻi Gas and the gas utility, keeping Hawaiʻi unnecessarily dependent on Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) when we should be moving off fossilized/fracked gas and on to renewables.

FACT: Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is often not derived from clean sources (e.g., when it is fracked). We should not be using LNG as a "bridge fuel" on our path to 100%. Read more about why here and here.


More on the conversation surrounding HB 2109 HD1 below:

Let's be clear: those of us in that fight for clean energy do indeed want clean energy for all. Marti Townsend, Director of the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi rightly stated:

"We completely agree! It has to be clean energy for all, or it is simply not enough. This bill [HB 2109] closes the loophole abused by wealthy developers while still allowing individual homeowners to get an exemption based on cost. We are with you on helping the poor and supporting clean energy. This bill accomplishes that without giving the wealthy developers an out for keeping us hooked on fossilized gas."

William Giese, Executive Director of the Hawaiʻi Solar Energy Association, wrote:

"As its written now (HD1), this measure doesn't prevent anyone from installing an on-demand (instant) gas heater on a new single-family home. If the architect or engineer who signs the variance request can prove that a solar hot water heater is cost-prohibitive over a life cycle analysis, and the energy coordinator agrees, then the variance would be granted and the developer is allowed to install whatever water heater they feel would be most appropriate for the situation.

For instance, if a new single family vacation home in Puna or Hilo that (1) sits in the shadow of Mauna Kea and (2) is only lived-in part of the year requests a variance, the life cycle cost analysis submitted with that variance would prove that a solar hot water heater is not an appropriate heater type and the variance would be approved. The developer would be free to install an instant gas heater, which would be warranted in this very specific case.

However, if a single family home that is lived-in year round on the Ewa Plain, where there is abundant solar irradiance, is submitting a variance request then the burden would be on the architect to prove that a solar hot water heater would not be as cost effective over the life of that system. This would be impossible to prove, as the amount of gas therms used over the life of the system combined with high sun hours in that part of Hawaiʻi would make a solar hot water heater more cost effective.

Lastly, many instant gas heaters installed today require an electrical grid connection to function, as the more inexpensive models do not have "always on" pilot lights. Many of the off-grid consumers that our member companies serve today opt to install solar hot water heater systems in connection with their grid back up through PV or with DC pump systems run off of separate PV panels.

As a side note, many of our member company distributors and installers install both solar hot water and instant gas. The intent of this bill is not to remove instant gas in new home construction entirely, but rather to empower the energy coordinator to exercise discretion while administering these variances, and prevent rubber stamping of gas variances not inline with state Renewable Portfolio Standard goals."

Big Mahalos & Actions

Please take a moment to thank (by phone or email):

  • Senators Baker, Tokuda, Gabbard, Riviere and the committee members of the Commerce, Consumer Protection, and Health & Agriculture and Environment committees for hearing and passing SB 3099 - setting benchmarks to reach an 85% recycling redemption rate by 2023
  • Chair Yamane of the Water and Land Committee for hearing HB 2468 - exploring options for properties threatened by sea level rise - on Wednesday

While you are in the groove of calling legislators... consider calling Chair Takumi and Vice Chair Ichiyama of Consumer Protection and Commerce to ask them to schedule hearings on pesticide bills (HB 2721, HB 2722, HB 1756) this week.

Big Hearings Next Week!

We are approaching the first big deadline of the 2018 session—first lateral (the deadline for all bills to be assigned to their final committee in the originating chamber) is on Friday, February 16. A handful of our priority bills have hearings scheduled early next week and we need your help! Please submit testimony in support of the following bills 24 hours before the hearing date. 

- The bills bolded and starred directly battle climate change
- The bills bolded are identified as priority bills
- Others are additional important bills we want to see passed (while you are at it!)
- CPC: House Committee on Consumer Protection & Commerce (room 329)
- EEP: House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection (room 325)
- OMH: House Committee on Ocean, Marine Resources, & Hawaiian Affairs (room 423)
- WAL: House Committee on Water & Land [room 309]
- LAB: House Committee on Labor & Public Employment [room 329]
- WTL/AEN/GVO: Senate Committee on Water and Land/Senate Committee on Agriculture and Environment/Senate Committee on Government Operations

MORE ACTION: Please call Chair Takumi and Vice Chair Ichiyama of CPC to ask them to schedule hearings on pesticide bills (HB 2721, HB 2722, HB 1756) this week

Clean Energy

HB 2724 HD1 (LAB 2/13 9:45am)*** - read the bill here
Helps Hawaiʻi build a resilient clean energy economy that takes in more carbon than it produces by 2045

HB 2109 HD1 (CPC 2/13 2:00pm)*** - read the bill here
Narrows available criteria for granting a solar water heater variance.

HB 2249 HD1 (CPC 2/13 2:00pm)*** - read the bill here
Improves Hawaiʻi's grid resiliency programs

HB 2460 HD1 (CPC 2/13 2:00pm) - read the bill here
Establishes a microgrid demonstration project on property controlled by Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

HB 2719 (EEP 2/13 8:30am) - read the bill here
Establishes the Hawaiʻi clean economy initiative advisory board to advise the State on the transition to a clean energy economy

HB 2110 HD1 (CPC 2/13 2:00pm) - read the bill here
Directs the Public Utilities Commission to encourage and facilitate the development and use of energy resilient microgrids

Sea Level Rise

HB 2106 HD1 (OMH 2/13 10:40am)*** - read the bill here
Requires the the state to adopt rules requiring all environmental assessments and environmental impact statements to include consideration of sea level rise based on the most recent scientific data

HB 2468 (WAL 2/14 10:30am)*** read the bill here
Explores options and pilot projects for properties that are threatened by sea level rise

SB 3068 (WTL/AEN/GVO 2/15 2:50pm)*** - read the bill here
Requires the state to implement recommendations from the Hawaiʻi Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report


HB 1986 HD 1 (CPC 2/13 2:00pm)*** - read the bill here
Establishes programs that allows state agencies and other businesses that offset their carbon emissions


HB 1801 HD1 (CPC 2/13 2:00pm)*** - read the bill here
Establishes renewable portfolio standards and targets for gas utility companies that mirrors those set for electric utility companies


HB 2301 HD1 (EEP 2/13 8:30am) - read the bill here
Restructures the Hawaiʻi Invasive Species Council to improve coordination of the State's invasive species prevention, early detection, rapid response, control, enforcement, and outreach programs


SB 3099 (CPH/AEN 2/12 1:15pm) - read the bill here
Requires the Department of Health to set benchmarks to reach an eighty-five percent redemption rate by 2023

HB 1800 HD1 (CPC 2/12 2:00pm) - read the bill here
Authorizes each county to establish a car tire recycling program

HB 2625 HD1 (EEP 2/13 8:30am) - read the bill here
Requires the state to remove plastic marine debris from shores and beaches and for the counties to dispose of plastic marine debris collected by the department


SB 3095 (CPH/AEN 2/12 1:15pm) - read the bill here 
Establishes disclosure and public notification requirements for application of pesticides by large-scale, outdoor commercial agricultural operations and pilots a buffer zone project around schools

Oxybenzone sunscreen ban

HB 2723 HD1 (CPC 2/13 2:00pm) - read the bill here
Prohibits the sale of sunscreen containing oxybenzone

Carbon and Climate Change

Hawaiʻi’s climate is changing—temperatures are warming, rainfall is decreasing, and sea levels are rising. Our atmosphere is overloaded with carbon dioxide released by humans burning coal, oil, and gas, while we continue to lose acres of critical native forests that serve as natural intakes of carbon. Hawaiʻi is at the forefront of clean energy standards, with our goal of achieving 100% renewable electricity by 2045, but collectively, we should be doing more to mitigate the carbon that already exists in our atmosphere.

Quick facts:

  • Hawaiʻi produces 18 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year

  • In one year, a single acre of forest can absorb two times the carbon produced by the average car’s annual mileage

  • Carbon offset projects are already underway on Haleakalā and Mauna Kea where large areas of native forests are being restored

Why does this matter

  • If we stop releasing carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels today, global warming would still continue because carbon is trapped in the atmosphere

  • Carbon offset programs will help generate funds to support natural resource managers, private and public—like the Department of Land and Natural Resources, who work to protect Hawaiʻi’s natural resources

  • Restoring native forests will not only decrease the amount of carbon in the atmosphere but will also increase rainfall capture that feeds our drinking water aquifers and help mitigate erosion and flooding throughout the islands






How you can help

See priority bills here

Call your legislators and ask them to support bills that:

  • Establish programs for state agencies and other businesses that offset their carbon emissions (HB1986)

  • Helps Hawaiʻi build a resilient clean energy economy that takes in more carbon than it produces by 2045 (HB2724)

  • Support other means of increasing carbon sequestration

Submit testimony in support of these bills when scheduled for hearings

Check out more posts on carbon here

When Collective Power Wins

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In an inspiring turn-of-events, the community came out in force to have HB 2564 removed from a hearing agenda for Friday, February 9th.

Led by community organizers from Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi, it took less than two days for over 300 testimonies to be sent in to the House Committee on Water and Land (WAL), vehemently opposing this measure, which would essentially take away one avenue for the people to exercise their right to protect their environment and natural resources.

The office of Representative Nicole E. Lowen (D-6), who sits on the WAL committee, responded to constituents with this email:

Aloha Re: HB 2564
Thank you for writing and sharing your concerns on this bill. We wanted to let you know that, in response to the many emails we received in opposition, this bill has been removed from the hearing notice by the chair of the Committee on Water and Land, and it will not be getting a hearing or moving forward at this time.

Rep. Lowen appreciates your feedback. Please let us know if we can help with anything else.

Thank you, 
Office Manager
Office of Representative Nicole Lowen, District 6

This is a win for the people who demand a fair and just political process and a clear win for democracy. Well done!

Companion bill SB 3020 is stalled in a joint committee referral, with community organizers encouraging folks to keep eyes on it, should it spring to life. Read more on this issue here.

Poisoning Our Island Paradise

Content provided by the Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action, the Hawaiʻi Center for Food Safety and the Protect Our Keiki Coalition.


It’s a big week for pesticide-related bills at the state legislature. On Thursday, February 8th at 10:30am, the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection with the House Committee on Agriculture will be hearing important bills to regulate pesticides statewide.

Please take 2 minutes to provide testimony in support of these important bills below! 

The deadline for testimony is Wednesday, February 7th at 10:30am. (if you don't get it in by then, it will be late, but still helpful)!

Please submit separate testimonies for each Bill. It will only take a few seconds each!




1. Support HB 2721: Statewide Pesticide Disclosure & Public Notification

Why is this important?
Hawai‘i’s communities have no choice but to live, work, and commute daily in areas under threat of toxic pesticide drift – and they do not have access to information that would allow them to protect themselves from this vital threat. Children in-utero and early childhood who are exposed to low-level restricted use pesticides are at risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities like autism and ADHD, as well as leukemia and asthma. With agrochemical companies spraying 2 out of every 3 days, mandatory public disclosure will ensure that industrial agriculture is held responsible for the potential impacts of its pesticides on human health and the environment.

What does the bill do?
HB 2721 will establish public notification requirements when pesticides are sprayed in proximity of schools, healthcare facilities, childcare facilities, elder care facilities, and other environmentally sensitive areas. Read more about HB2721.

CLICK HERE: Add your name and submit testimony in support of HB2721



2. Support HB 1756: Ban the highly toxic insecticide chlorpyrifos

Why is this important?
Chlorpyrifos is a threat to communities, farmworkers, and particularly young and developing children. Chlorpyrifos is a highly toxic brain-harming insecticide being used in high volumes in Hawai`i on GMO research fields. (Learn more)

In 2016, 10 Syngenta field workers were hospitalized after exposure to chlorpyrifos. The EPA is currently suing Syngenta for worker safety violations related to the field worker’s exposure to chlorpyrifos, and was considering banning use of Chlorpyrifos on food crops prior to the Trump administration.

At least 27 schools in Hawai`i are located within one mile of these research fields and their pesticide drift. Chlorpyrifos and other brain-harming pesticides were found in air samples of Waimea Canyon Middle School, in the hair samples of local children and in water samples of the Kekaha ditch (both near GMO test field sites on Kaua`i). 

What will this bill do?
HB 1756 will place a statewide ban on the use of chlorpyrifos, a highly toxic insecticide. Read more about HB1756.

CLICK HERE: Add your name and submit testimony in support of HB1756 


3. Support HB 2722: Ban on pollinator-harming "neonics" and glyphosate on public land owned or maintained by the State.

Why is this important?
Neonicotinoids are a class of insecticides, which scientists have linked to the rapid decline of honeybees and other pollinators. Pollinators are critical to nearly 70% of crops in Hawaiʻi. 

In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a division of the World Health Organization, and the worldʻs leading authority on cancer, unanimously concluded that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen.

There's also a growing body of evidence on health impacts associated with exposure to glyphosate or RoundUp, such as endocrine disruption, organ damage and birth defects.

Glyphosate has also resulted in the rapid development of herbicide-tolerant superweeds, which tells us that herbicides as a solution don't work in the long term, and may even end up negatively impacting agricultural productivity.

What will this bill do?
If passed, HB2722 will place a statewide ban on the use of on pollinator harming neonicotinoids, and glyphosate on public land owned or maintained by the State. The bill will also enable Counties to pass similar measures. Read more about HB 2722.

CLICK HERE: Add your name and submit testimony in support of HB 2722 now 

Thank you for taking action. 

Together, we can protect our communities and Hawai‘i's precious land and waters.

The Protect Our Keiki Coalition

Help Fund DLNR

The Hawaiian Islands are home to unique ecosystems full of species found nowhere else in the world. Our natural environment is the foundation of Hawaiʻi’s tourism industry—the central economic driver throughout the islands. Hawaiʻi is seeing the adverse impacts that millions of visitors, in addition to the growing number of residents, has on our beaches, trails, and other finite resources. The Department of Land and Natural Resources and its many divisions, like the Na Ala Hele program, has the daunting responsibility to manage and protect these resources.

Quick facts:

  • In 2017, Hawaiʻi saw an influx of over 9 million visitors on top of the 1.4 million residents

  • The Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority has maintained a steady rise in visitor arrivals for decades, with an annual budget in 2017 in excess of $88 million.

  • The Department of Land and Natural Resources operates off of a meer 1.2% of the overall state budget

  • The Na Ala Hele system currently oversees 855 miles of trails and roads throughout the State – including 35 trails on Kaua‘i, 40 trails on O‘ahu, 1 on Moloka‘i, 1 on Lāna‘i, 22 on Maui, and 18 on Hawai‘i Island.

Why does this matter?

  • The Department of Land and Natural Resources is the sole state agency responsible for managing our resources and is underfunded and understaffed

  • As the number of visitors continues to grow, visitors are also increasingly taking to the outdoors without the proper understanding of Hawaiʻi’s natural hazards and landscapes—which leads to accidents and has deleterious impacts on our environment

  • An ever growing number of visitors has deleterious impacts on our environment—overwhelmed hiking trails, spread of invasive species, and trampled reefs

  • Visitors are increasingly taking to the outdoors without the proper understanding of Hawaiʻi’s natural hazards and landscapes

  • The thriving tourism industry should be financially obligated to fund the state agencies that protect the very resources that the industry depends on


How you can help

You can see priority bills here

  • Call your legislators and ask them to support bills that:

    • Transfer funds from the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority budget to the Department of Land and Natural Resources

    • Appropriates funds to raise awareness about hiker safety and preparedness

    • Improves funding for the Na Ala Hele program within the Department of Land and Natural Resources

Check out more DLNR funding posts here

Underground Storage Tank Bill Updates

Yesterday and today, bills that would finally regulate the tanks at Red Hill and other military underground field constructed tanks elsewhere in the Hawaiian Islands were heard in senate and house committees. A huge mahalo to those who submitted testimony and showed up at the hearings to let the Navy know that 20 years is TOO LONG to fix the tanks. 

Bill updates:

SB 2930 deferred until 2/9/18 at 1:15PM in conference room 224.

HB 2712 passed through committee with amendments. This bill has two additional committees to get through before the 2/16 first lateral deadline. Contact Chairs Mizuno and Luke NOW and request this bill be heard in their committees before the deadline!

Also, last week we attended the Downtown-Chinatown Neighborhood Board meeting to hear what the Navy had to say about their plans for Red Hill. Department of Health and the Board of Water Supply were also in attendance. The Navy gave a very technical presentation outlining their current work under the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC), including their usual spiel that our drinking water is safe. While it is great that the Navy is engaging in public outreach on this issue, they are still providing little assurance that the tanks will not leak, nor outlining any plans they have to handle yet another possible future spill. The Sierra Club still has concerns that the 20 year timeline within which to upgrade the tanks at Red Hill is too long. The Navy will present again on:

  • Thursday February 8th at the Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Neighborhood Board meeting.
  • Wednesday February 14th at the Palolo Neighborhood Board meeting. Agenda pending, check back soon.

SAVE THE DATE: The evening of Wednesday March 14th at Moanalua Middle School for the Navy's next public meeting on Red Hill. We will update you as the date approaches!

Cesspools in Hawaiʻi

Hawai‘i has far more cesspools than any other state—88,000 to be exact—and is the last in the nation to ban them. These cesspools put tens of million of gallons of raw sewage into our groundwater and surface water every day. Makawao and Kahalu‘u are already seeing the impacts of outdated cesspools on our environment and shortly other communities will as well. The state is taking these early warning signs seriously and enacted Act 125 to ban cesspools and encourage upgrades. This is an important step towards protecting Hawai‘i’s drinking water, public health, and environment. But so much more is needed. 

Why does this matter?

  • Cesspools are little more than holes in the ground that discharge human waste. They don’t treat wastewater, or contain contamination. They just pass it through. 
  • Hawai‘i’s cesspools put 53 million gallons of raw sewage into the groundwater daily. We rely on our groundwater for over 90% of our drinking water. 
  • This release of untreated wastewater not only threatens public health by the potential spread of disease but also brings harm to our aquatic and nearshore environments. 
  • Addressing cesspools can be costly for homeowners—replacements cost $20,000 -$100,000 each. Additional financial support must be made available to those who cannot take advantage of the tax credit made available by Act 125. 

Next steps

  • Fund Department of Health drinking water monitoring programs cut by federal lawmakers. 
  • Encourage homeowners to convert sooner with additional funding options.
  • Support innovations in wastewater management like composting toilets and gray water reuse. 

How you can help

You can see priority bills here

  • Call your legislators and ask them to support bills that: 
  • Requires cesspools located in priority upgrade areas to be upgraded within 180 days of the sale of the property
  • Support funding options, studies, and alternatives for mandated cesspool upgrades
  • Submit testimony in support of these bills in hearings 

Click here to see more posts about cesspools

Bills, Bills, Bills

The 29th legislative session is in full swing! With help from our members, partners, and Capitol Watch team captains, we’ve been busy tracking a number of bills that we've identified as priority bills. Please add these to your trackers and flag as bills that either a) have "legs" (i.e., have a decent chance to pass first lateral) and/or b) are well-written with the greatest positive environmental impact.

Please note: after first lateral (February 16th), many bills will die. It is important we make every attempt to get these priority bills through the committees they have been referred to! Please contact Committee Chairs ASAP and request your priority bills get heard!

HOW can you help?

There are many ways you can help usher these priority bills through the legislature:

WHAT bills are priority?

Sea Level Rise: HB 2468, HB 2469, HB 2106, SB 2442, SB 694, SB 2334, SB 3068, SB 3063, SB 2327, SB 2017

Cesspools: HB 2268, HB 2626, HB 2732/SB 2642HB 1722/SB 2717, SB 2567, SB 2117

Clean Energy: HB 1801, HB 1864, HB 2057, HB 2109, HB 2460, HB 2431, SB 2933, SB 2956, SB 2939, HB 2724, HB 2719, SB 2910/HB 2249, HB 2110, HB 1830

LNG/Fracking: HB 1836, HB 1837, HB 1838, HB 1839

Carbon: HB 1986, HB 1991, HB 2182, HB 795, SB 1088, SB 105

Oxybenzone Ban: HB 2264, HB 2723, HB 1391, SB 2571, SB 2409

Polystyrene/Plastic: HB 1937/SB2498, HB 2625/SB 2964, HB 371, HB 2107, SB 2285, SB 2127, HB 2718

Waste/RecyclingHB 1806HB 1800, HB 2726/SB 3099, HB 184, HB 2025, HB 2095, SB 2110, SB 2120

Native/Invasive Species: HB 904/SB 636, SB 2399, HB 2301/SB 2728

Pesticides: HB 2721, HB 2722, HB 2495/SB 2837, HB 1756/SB 2456, SB 2469, SB 3095, SB 2126

Agriculture/Land Use: SB 2575, SB 2524, SB 2572, SB 2561/HB 2101

Trails: HB 479, SB 2331

Watersheds: HB 2595HB 2543, HB 1977

Freshwater: HB 1987, SB 2930/HB2712, HB 2592

Sustainable Development Goals: SB 2667, SB 2668, SB 2673, SB 2674, SB 2675, SB 2676

DLNR Funding: SB 2446

General Environment: HB 1708, HB 2026, HB 2470

*Slash indicates companion bills.

HTA & DLNR Budget Talks...Stay with Us!

UPDATE (2/1/2018): SB 2446 passed through all three committees yesterday, with a half dozen senators grilling Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority (HTA) employees, including president and CEO George Szigeti, on what they've been doing to mālama natural resources and the environment across the state. Star Advertiser article on this issue here.

ACTION ALERT: Contact Ways and Means Committee Chair Senator Donovan Dela Cruz NOW and urge him to hear SB 2446!

It's no secret that the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) suffers from chronic underfunding and understaffing issues. For years, the agency and legislature has arm wrestled over "we need more funding" and "first do what you're mandated to do" statements. Perhaps it's time to consider giving the DLNR the benefit of the doubt, toss more funds their way, and see what happens. After all, it has become clear that our natural resources are beginning to show deleterious effects, in huge part due to the nearly 10 million tourists we welcome to our islands each year.

But where will the funding come from, you ask? Well, there is currently a measure in the Senate (SB 2446) that seeks to transfer 15% of the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority (HTA)'s budget to the DLNR. The HTA has done a marvelous job in drawing ever-increasing numbers of visitors to Hawaiʻi. Tourist visits consistently exceed even their own forecasts! With a annual budget approval of over $88 million last year, it is no wonder. 

Meanwhile, the DLNR, mandated to manage and protect Hawai‘i’s finite natural resources and pristine beauty -- that which arguably draws the over 9 million tourists to the islands annually -- receives a mere 1.2% of the State budget. The outcome of this imbalance is a grossly underfunded and understaffed DLNR, which inevitably results in insufficient management of the very natural resources the HTA draws visitors here to experience.Trails are overcrowded and insufficiently maintained, invasive species are swiftly spreading whilst native species are dwindling in numbers, reefs are experiencing bleaching and die-off in part from the chemical offloading from hoards of sunscreen-laden tourists entering the nearshore waters.

Perhaps it is time to start leveling the scale and transfer a significant portion of HTA’s budget to DLNR; a choice that will not only have positive outcomes for the natural beauty of Hawai‘i, but also for the local people and visitors who enjoy it.

SB 2446 has a joint hearing before three committees on Wednesday January 31st.

The Environmental Bill List is LIVE!

We have compiled a list of crossover environmental bills from 2017 added to environmental bills we've identified that were introduced this 2018 session. Click for BILL LIST or any time the tab on the menu bar and peruse at your leisure! 

Please note: there are two tabs, one for House Bills and one for Senate Bills. 

Don't forget to add bills you're interested in tracking to your tracking list on your Capitol website account by clicking the orange "Measure Tracking" button on the home page after you log in: 

Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 4.53.53 PM.png


Happy bill tracking from your Capitol Watch team!

Committee Hearing on Water and Land

Senate Committee on Water and Land (WTL): Friday, 1/26/2018, 2:45pm, Conference Room 224 (Agenda here)

Bills to watch (testimony due 1/25/2018 at 2:45pm):

  • SB 2003: Relating to Aquatic Life

This bill restricts the taking of aquatic life by any method for commercial purposes. Only individuals holding a valid, non-lapsed aquarium fish permit and commercial marine license may take. Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) from issuing any new permits and requires the phase-out of existing permits within 5 years of the enactment of this bill. Restricts the limit of non-commercial aquatic take to five live specimens per permit per day, subject to conditions.

  • SB 694: Relating to Real Property Transactions

This bill requires a purchaser or transferee to provide an oceanfront purchaser statement with every sale or transfer of oceanfront real estate and for the statement to be recorded with the bureau of conveyances.

Our thoughts: this is a good bill that seeks to make it clearer to the purchaser of oceanfront property the risks involved, especially in light of projected sea level rise across the state.

Need a refresher on submitting testimony? Click here.

Committee Hearing on Energy and Environmental Protection

House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection (EEP): Thursday, 1/25/2018, 8:30am, Conference Room 325 (Agenda here)

Bills to watch (testimony due 1/24/2018 at 8:30am):

  • HB 1864: Relating to Renewable Energy Technologies

This bill expands the income tax credit for renewable energy technologies to include ocean thermal conversion systems. This means that if ocean thermal conversion systems were installed, (e.g., for air conditioning cooling purposes on a large building), the individual or corporation could claim a tax credit up to 35% of the cost of installation on their tax return the following year up to $1.5 million.

Our thoughts: this bill is a good bill that broadens the playing field for folks to choose renewable energy alternatives, which supports our statewide goal of 100% by 2045. Learn more about “SeaWater Air Conditioning” here.

  • HB1801: Relating to Renewable Energy

This bill would amend the definition of “renewable portfolio standard” to more accurately reflect the percentage of renewable energy penetration in the State. It seeks to hold gas utility companies to the same standard as electric utility companies.

Our thoughts: this bill is a good bill that seeks to rectify the overestimation of the amount of renewable energy serving Hawaiʻi’s electric utility customers and also holds the gas utility to a higher standard that mirrors the electric utility’s standard that commits to increase their reliance on renewable energy. Not all gas is clean and renewable, which the gas utility should be held accountable to address. Refresh your understanding on the State’s path to a renewable future here.

  • HB 1830: Relating to Energy at the University of Hawaiʻi

This bill broadens the University of Hawaiʻi’s (UH)options to deposit and move money from the Green Specials Funds to initiatives that support the use of renewable energy and increases in energy efficiency and conservation. It also allows the University to transfer other funds into the Green Special Fund for the purpose of renewable energy and energy efficiency and conservation.

Our thoughts: this is a good bill that increases the capacity of UH to engage in renewable energy projects and initiatives that increase energy efficiency and conservation. As UH is the second largest energy user in Hawaiʻi, besides the military, any efforts to move their energy use toward a more clean a renewable profile, moves the State in general toward our goal of 100% renewable by 2045. Learn more about the UH Green Special/Revolving Fund here.

  • HB 1800: Relating to Motor Vehicle Tires

This bill authorizes counties to establish a requirement for customers to exchange the equal number of used tires to the tire retailer as they are purchasing, or pay a fee to compensate for the missing tires. This reduces tire waste, which has ecological and human health implications such as promoting the spread of mosquito borne illness, and creates a fund for authorities to clean up improperly disposed of used tires.

Our thoughts: this bill is a good bill that promotes tire recycling. Tire waste is unsightly when it litters our roads and other spaces, and is a threat to human health/safety and the environment.

Need a refresher on submitting testimony? Click here.

State of the State: Highlights from the Governor's Address

Yesterday in his State of the State Address, Governor Ige touched on the many important issues we face here in Hawaiʻi--such as homelessness, traffic, unemployment, and many environmental issues, such as our reliance on fossil fuels, our commitment to a renewable energy future, food security, and global climate change. He was clear in his message that we must invest in the future, for our children and for future generations.

In order to invest in the future, it is crucial to look at our actions today and how they will impact the environment. The governor spoke of the many ways Hawaiʻi is working to protect our land and ocean resources, such as being the first state in the nation to sign the Paris Climate Accord. This means continuing to work towards reaching 100% renewable energy resources by 2045 and working to grow a carbon market in Hawaiʻi. Doing so would allow carbon polluters across the globe to offset their carbon emissions, for example by investing in restoring Hawaiʻi’s koa and ʻōhiʻa forests.

Governor Ige also mentions the dream of “a future economy for Hawaiʻi that isn’t reliant solely on tourism and the military”. In order for this to become a reality there needs to be an increased focus on food security via local food production, including efforts that promote sustained crop yields grown right here in the Islands and sustained, plentiful fisheries--both of which result in feeding our local communities. In a system where we currently export 80-90% of our agricultural crops, it is crucial for Hawaiʻi to move toward a more resilient and sustainable food system that does not not rely so heavily on imports for food. Therefore the Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi will support measures and initiatives that encourage diversified agriculture, carbon farming and composting, and the regulation of restricted-use pesticides (i.e., pesticides that are harmful to soil health, freshwater resources, nearshore marine life, and human health).

The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi is pleased to see the Governor direct focus to environmental issues. We look forward to working with his administration, as well as state and county agencies, as we move forward with climate change adaptation, mitigation, and reduction strategies that include 100% clean and renewable energy and food security.

Civil Beat article here and video here.

+3.2 ft: Sea Level Rise in Hawaiʻi

Beaches play an important role in our island way of life. Hawaiʻi’s beaches provide unique habitats for a variety of plants and animals and protect residents living near the ocean by acting as a natural buffer against the high wind and waves of powerful storms. We also rely on our coastal resources for subsistence, recreation, economic support, and traditional and customary practices—all of which will be impacted by rising sea levels. Now is the time for Hawaiʻi’s communities to take action to not only mitigate the long-term effects of climate change but also adapt to the impacts we will continue to see in the future.

In 2017, the new Hawaiʻi Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission issued the first statewide assessment of sea level rise. You can read the report in all its entirety here. Here are some brief takeaways:

Sea levels could rise in Hawaiʻi more than 3.2 feet by mid-century. See what 3.2 feet looks like in your community here.

Why does this matter?

  • If greenhouse gas emissions stopped today, the sea level would still rise, so preparations must me made now, even as we mitigate climate change

  • At minimum, 3.2 ft of sea level rise would:

- Displace 20,0000 residents,
- Impact 35 miles of road,
- Inundate 2,000 sewage disposal systems,
- Affect 550 cultural sites, and
- Compromise 6,500 structures - like hotels, shopping malls, and small businesses







How you can help

You can see priority bills here

  • Call your legislators and ask them to support bills that:

    • require upon sale, disclosing that the property is in the sea level rise vulnerability zone

    • require the state to incorporate sea level rise predictions and implement recommendations from the Hawaiʻi Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report

    • document the value of North Shore beaches to Hawaiʻi’s culture, health, and economy

  • Submit testimony in support of these bills when scheduled for hearings

Check out more sea level rise related posts here

Opening Day at the Legislature

Legislative Session is upon us! What does this mean, exactly? Several things; some symbolic, some practical, some supportive. Whatever your reasons, this is a great day to get down to the State Capitol and show your support in democracy, an open and transparent government, various social and environmental justice movements, or just to meet some legislators vis-à-vis.

First off, larger-than-normal turnouts are expected due to the ʻOnipaʻa Kākou events taking place concurrently between ʻIolani Palace and the Capitol Rotunda. This event marks 125 years since the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi and the removal of Queen Liliʻuokalani from the throne.

Generally speaking, Opening Day at the Legislature starts at 10:00 am, with speeches in both House and Senate chambers. Both will be broadcast on ʻōlelo community media, channels 49 and 55 (more info here).

At 9:00 am, both Kuʻi at the Capitol and an Opening Day Social and Environmental Justice Rally will take place in the Capitol Rotunda (info below).

Several Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi staff and volunteers plan to partake in various events throughout the day. One group will be at the gathering at Kamehameha Statue at 10:15 am, the flag raising at ʻIolani Palace at 10:45 am, and the Hoʻokupu at the Queen Liliʻuokalani Statue at 11:15 am. Another group plans to be at the House floor speeches and another at the Senate floor speeches taking place at 10:00 am. We then plan to convene together and walk the halls in efforts to meet-and-greet legislators in person. Please contact for more information.

Whichever events you decide to turn out for, we look forward to seeing folks down there supporting the community, engaging in civics, and meeting public officials!


Events and Activities

ʻOnipaʻa Kākou events begin at sunrise and continue through the afternoon. More info here.

Kuʻi at the Capitol 9:00 am-3:00 pm. Where 2,000 pounds of kalo will be provided by event organizers and pre-registered participants can pound using their own Papa Kuʻi (pounding boards) and Pohaku Kuʻiʻai (pounding stones). More info here.

Rally at the Capitol 9:00 am. Where you can learn about and show support for various social and environmental justice issues. More info here.

Opening Day at the Legislature 10:00 am. Floor speeches by various legislators, including Senate President and Speaker of the House, are occurring in both chambers. Many legislators are offering open houses throughout the rest of the day, inviting the public to meet them and discuss legislative priorities for this session and other community issues.


Legislative How-Tos: A Refresher

Brush up on engagement how-tos at the links below. Let’s have all hands on deck for tracking important bills and hearings this session!

1. How to receive hearing notices by email

2. Bare basics of writing testimony

3. Tips on communicating with legislators

4. Step-by-step guide on submitting testimony online

5. How to make your voice heard at the Capitol

6. Hawaiʻi State Capitol Website

7. Quick overview of the Hawaiʻi State Legislature

All of this info and more can be found in the Legislative How-Tos tab of the Capitol Watch website.

Cesspools Could Soon Impact Hawaiʻi's Drinking Water

Act 125, passed in the 2017 legislative session, bans all cesspools by 2050 and expands the tax credit to to homeowners with the intention of making it less financially burdening to upgrade existing cesspools. In December, the Hawaiʻi Department of Health released a report required by this law that investigated the number, scope, location and priority of cesspools statewide.

The Department of Health (DOH) identified four categories designating priority for cesspool replacement with Priority 1 posing significant risk of human health impacts, drinking water impacts, or draining to sensitive waters. Priorities 2 and 3 pose potential risks to drinking water and sensitive waters. Priority 4 designates cesspools where human health and environmental risks have not yet been identified. There are 42,730 cesspools (half of all cesspools in HI) statewide that fall under Priorities 1-3, with two Priority 1 areas: one in upcountry Maui and one in the Kahaluʻu, Oʻahu. These priority cesspools fall under 14 critical areas across the state; 5 on Hawaiʻi Island, 5 on Oʻahu, 3 on Kauaʻi and 1 on Maui.

UPDATE: Public informational meetings will be held in Makawao, Maui on Tuesday, January 9, 6-8pm at the Eddie Tam Memorial Center, 931 Makawao Ave., Makawao, HI 96768 and in Kahaluʻu, Oʻahu on Friday, January 12, 6-8pm at Kualoa-He‘eia Ecumenical Youth (KEY) Project, 47-200 Waihe‘e Road, Kaneohe, Hawai‘i 96744. 

There will also be a legislative informational briefing on Wednesday, January 10, 11am-12:30pm at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol, room 423. 

Hawaiʻi has far more cesspools than any other state—cesspools that inject tens of thousands of gallons of raw sewage into our groundwater every day. This is problematic as this input of raw sewage not only harms our aquatic and nearshore environments but can spread disease through Hawaiʻi’s primary source of drinking water.

“Hawaiʻi needs to race to catch up with the rest of the world when it comes to wastewater management. We are the last place in the U.S. to ban cesspools. This report shows leaks from cesspools are undermining the quality of our groundwater and drinking water resources. Keeping our ground and drinking water clean is mission-critical in terms of protecting public health and preserving our environment. Act 125 is a step in the right direction, however, we believe more needs to be done to help make upgrades more accessible to Hawaiʻi’s people," said Marti Townsend. “Upcountry Maui is already seeing the impacts of outdated cesspools. The State should take these early warning signs seriously and act now to protect Hawaiʻi’s drinking water and the environment. That means releasing more funds to the Department of Health and making upgrades more accessible to Hawaiʻi’s people through stronger incentive programs.”

We recognize that upgrading cesspools can be costly. The Sierra Club will be supporting legislation that designates grant funds, particularly for low/median income cesspool owners who cannot take advantage of the tax credit made available by the law passed last session.

Click here for our educational sheet on cesspools in Hawaiʻi.

In the news:
- Hawaiʻi News Now: Cesspools could soon impact your drinking water, DOH says
- Civil Beat: From Bad to Worse: Hawaii’s $1.75 Billion Cesspool Problem

CapitolWatch Blog IS BACK!

You asked, you shall receive - the CapitolWatch blog lives once again! Here is the rundown (with the good ol' five w's): 

[WHERE] Right here -! Welcome to the new edition of the CapitolWatch blog. You will find everything you need for the 2018 legislative session on this site. Please also check out Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi's home page, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

[WHO] In 2018, the CapitolWatch blog will be updated by Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi volunteers and staff. We will focus primarily on environmental bills with the hope that in the coming years we will be able to expand with partners to cover additional social justice and other environment-related issues. 

The Sierra Club of Hawaiʻi is always looking for new CapitolWatch volunteers. Click here to jump on our mailing list if you are interested in joining. 

[WHAT] The one-stop-shop for all of your environmental legislative needs. We will be posting Sierra Club's bill priorities, background on priority bills and issues, and most importantly, action alerts and updates. Also available will be how-tos, tips, tutorials, legislator contact information, and more to help you be successful in your civic engagement.

[WHEN] The CapitolWatch blog will make a reappearance with the 2018 Legislative Session. As you know, 2017 is almost over so we will be posting soon on bills to look out for—both good and bad. The 2018 Legislative Session begins on January 17, 2018 and runs until May.

[WHY] CapitolWatch has been a successful program for a number of years now, however, the blog has recently been the missing piece. We have heard from you folks about how helpful the blog was in the past in making it easier to engage and stay up-to-date on legislative environmental issues so we made a point this year to start early to bring it back!

Questions? Concerns? Suggestions? Email us at