2nd Crossover Bill Update

The end of 2018 legislative session is just around the corner, but the work isn't over yet! Dozens of environmental bills we've been tracking all session are still alive and going through their respective conference committees. A conference committee is a committee comprised only of subject matter and finance committee chairs for finalization. (e.g., if the bill was referred to CPH, WAM in the Senate and EEP, FIN in the House, then its conference committee will be comprised of Senators Baker and Dela Cruz and Representatives Lee and Luke). Final decking is on April 26th.

Though the opportunity for public hearings is over, you can still help usher these bills through the legislature by contacting conference committee chairs and request they support the bills--preferably the best, most environmentally friendly versions of the bill as many have been drastically changed over the course of session (as indicated by HD1,2; SD1,2, etc). If they "survive" conference, that means they head to the governor's desk for signing or vetoing.

Check out the bill list here (good bills in green and bad bills in red) and contact conference committee chairs now! You can find out which committees each bill has gone through on the measure status page for each bill following "Referred to" and the House or Senate committee acronyms.

If the bill you're supporting (e.g., SB 2939 SD2) reads "Enrolled to Governor" at the bottom of its measure status page, that means the bill is headed straight to the governor's desk for signing into law (or veto). In this case, please feel free to write a message to Governor Ige or call his office at (808) 586-0034 and voice either your support or opposition to the bill. Any bills that "survive" conference will go through this process, so get ready!

Adjournment sine die is on May 3rd. Let's rally together behind these environmental bills for this final push of 2018 legislative session!

How to submit testimony on the State Capitol Website

Check out this step-by-step quick reference guide to submitting testimony at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol Website! In 8 easy steps, you can elevate your voice at the legislature to support (or oppose) issues that matter to you. Congratulations for taking this important and necessary step in civic engagement! Happy testifying!

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For written testimony tips, click here.

You can always send an email directly to the committee before which the bill is being heard. For example, if the bill is being heard before the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection (EEP), you can send testimony to: EEPtestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov

You can find a list of committees along with their acronyms here. Please note: if the bill is being heard before two or more committees at the same time, you must submit your testimony to EACH committee, addressing the committee chairs and vice chairs accordingly.

First Lateral Bill Update

It has been a whirlwind of bill tracking since session started, but we have come to the first lateral deadline (2/16) with many of our priority environmental bills still alive!

First lateral: all bills referred to more than one committee (i.e., those with multiple referrals) must move to their final committee in the originating chamber by this day.

Some of these bills are still sitting in their final committee, which means we need to get them heard before crossover on 3/8. A handful have already made it to crossover!

Crossover: deadline for bills to pass third reading in order to move (or “crossover”) to the other chamber. If successful, House bills are sent to the Senate and Senate bills are sent to the House for further consideration.

Please update your bill trackers with the bill list below. We will start ramping up our calls to action soon, as many of these bills are passing through tougher committees. Our scope is narrowed, now is the time to push hard for these good bills to be passed this session!

*Note: Designated ALL CAPS acronyms refer to the committee the bill is currently sitting in (e.g., FIN = bill still needs to be heard by the Finance Committee before 3/8 in order to make it to crossover). CRSO = the bill has been heard by all committees it was referred to and now it is headed to crossover.

Sea Level Rise

 HB 2468 FIN, HB 2469 FIN, HB 2106 FIN, SB 2442 CPH, SB 694 CPH, SB 2334 CRSO, SB 3068 WAM, SB 3063 WAM, SB 2017 CPH


HB 2626 FIN, HB 2732 FIN,/SB 2642 CPH/AEN/WTL, SB 2717 WAM, SB 2567 CPH

Clean Energy

HB 1801 FIN, HB 1864 FIN, HB 2460 FIN, SB 2939 WAM, HB 2724 FIN, HB 2719 FIN, SB 2910 WAM/HB 2249 FIN, HB 2110 FIN, HB 1830 FIN


HB 1986 FIN, HB 2182 FIN, HB 795 WTL/WAM, SB 1088 FIN

Oxybenzone Ban

HB 2723 FIN, SB 2571 CPH


SB2498 CPH, HB 2625 FIN, HB 2107 FIN, SB 2285 JDC/WAM, HB 2718 FIN


HB 1806 CRSO, HB 1800 FIN, HB 2726 FIN/SB 3099 WAM, HB 184 FIN, HB 2025 FIN, HB 2095 FIN, SB 2110 CPH

Native/Invasive Species

SB 636 WAM, SB 2399 WAM, HB 2301 FIN


HB 2721 FIN, HB 2722 FIN, HB 1756 FIN, SB 3095 EDU/WAM, SB 2126 CRSO, SB 2569 CRSO

Agriculture/Land Use

SB 2575 WAM, SB 2524 CPH/PSM/AEN, SB 2572 WAM, SB 2561 WAM HB 2101 FIN


HB 479 FIN, SB 2331 WAM


HB 2595 FIN, HB 1977 FIN


SB 2667 CRSO, SB 2668 WAM, SB 2674 CRSO, SB 2675 WAM, SB 2676 WAM


HB 1987 FIN, SB 2930 CPH, HB 2592 FIN

DLNR Funding

SB 2446 WAM

General Environment

HB 1708 FIN, HB 2026 FIN, HB 2470 FIN

When Collective Power Wins

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In an inspiring turn-of-events, the community came out in force to have HB 2564 removed from a hearing agenda for Friday, February 9th.

Led by community organizers from Ka Lāhui Hawaiʻi, it took less than two days for over 300 testimonies to be sent in to the House Committee on Water and Land (WAL), vehemently opposing this measure, which would essentially take away one avenue for the people to exercise their right to protect their environment and natural resources.

The office of Representative Nicole E. Lowen (D-6), who sits on the WAL committee, responded to constituents with this email:

Aloha Re: HB 2564
Thank you for writing and sharing your concerns on this bill. We wanted to let you know that, in response to the many emails we received in opposition, this bill has been removed from the hearing notice by the chair of the Committee on Water and Land, and it will not be getting a hearing or moving forward at this time.

Rep. Lowen appreciates your feedback. Please let us know if we can help with anything else.

Thank you, 
Office Manager
Office of Representative Nicole Lowen, District 6

This is a win for the people who demand a fair and just political process and a clear win for democracy. Well done!

Companion bill SB 3020 is stalled in a joint committee referral, with community organizers encouraging folks to keep eyes on it, should it spring to life. Read more on this issue here.

Bills, Bills, Bills

The 29th legislative session is in full swing! With help from our members, partners, and Capitol Watch team captains, we’ve been busy tracking a number of bills that we've identified as priority bills. Please add these to your trackers and flag as bills that either a) have "legs" (i.e., have a decent chance to pass first lateral) and/or b) are well-written with the greatest positive environmental impact.

Please note: after first lateral (February 16th), many bills will die. It is important we make every attempt to get these priority bills through the committees they have been referred to! Please contact Committee Chairs ASAP and request your priority bills get heard!

HOW can you help?

There are many ways you can help usher these priority bills through the legislature:

WHAT bills are priority?

Sea Level Rise: HB 2468, HB 2469, HB 2106, SB 2442, SB 694, SB 2334, SB 3068, SB 3063, SB 2327, SB 2017

Cesspools: HB 2268, HB 2626, HB 2732/SB 2642HB 1722/SB 2717, SB 2567, SB 2117

Clean Energy: HB 1801, HB 1864, HB 2057, HB 2109, HB 2460, HB 2431, SB 2933, SB 2956, SB 2939, HB 2724, HB 2719, SB 2910/HB 2249, HB 2110, HB 1830

LNG/Fracking: HB 1836, HB 1837, HB 1838, HB 1839

Carbon: HB 1986, HB 1991, HB 2182, HB 795, SB 1088, SB 105

Oxybenzone Ban: HB 2264, HB 2723, HB 1391, SB 2571, SB 2409

Polystyrene/Plastic: HB 1937/SB2498, HB 2625/SB 2964, HB 371, HB 2107, SB 2285, SB 2127, HB 2718

Waste/RecyclingHB 1806HB 1800, HB 2726/SB 3099, HB 184, HB 2025, HB 2095, SB 2110, SB 2120

Native/Invasive Species: HB 904/SB 636, SB 2399, HB 2301/SB 2728

Pesticides: HB 2721, HB 2722, HB 2495/SB 2837, HB 1756/SB 2456, SB 2469, SB 3095, SB 2126

Agriculture/Land Use: SB 2575, SB 2524, SB 2572, SB 2561/HB 2101

Trails: HB 479, SB 2331

Watersheds: HB 2595HB 2543, HB 1977

Freshwater: HB 1987, SB 2930/HB2712, HB 2592

Sustainable Development Goals: SB 2667, SB 2668, SB 2673, SB 2674, SB 2675, SB 2676

DLNR Funding: SB 2446

General Environment: HB 1708, HB 2026, HB 2470

*Slash indicates companion bills.

The Environmental Bill List is LIVE!

We have compiled a list of crossover environmental bills from 2017 added to environmental bills we've identified that were introduced this 2018 session. Click for BILL LIST or any time the tab on the menu bar and peruse at your leisure! 

Please note: there are two tabs, one for House Bills and one for Senate Bills. 

Don't forget to add bills you're interested in tracking to your tracking list on your Capitol website account by clicking the orange "Measure Tracking" button on the home page after you log in: 

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Happy bill tracking from your Capitol Watch team!