FIN Hearing Fri, Feb. 22: Clean Energy and Climate bills

The House Committee on Finance has scheduled a public hearing for several environmental bills on Friday, February 22nd at 11 AM in Room 308. The meeting agenda has a handful of bills worthy for your time and support, but here’s a few that we really like with sample testimony to use or customize.

Login into your Capitol account HERE to submit your support for these clean energy and climate change bills:

HB 549, HD1 RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT - Requires new developments to plan for the impacts of projected sea level rise and prohibits development in areas significantly affected by projected sea level rise.

“I support HB 549 HD 1, which updates Chapter 205A-the Coastal Zone Management Act, to incorporate sea level rise within its objectives, policies, and permitting processes. This bill will help prevent the loss of beaches and public access caused in large part by granting of shoreline setback variances, especially as we enter a new era of sea level rise. As the sea level rises we can expect a increase in the number of applications to armor coastal properties with seawalls and revetments. Please pass this bill to guard against further shoreline hardening and protect our coastal ecosystems.”


HB 1584, HD2 RELATING TO CARBON EMISSIONS - Appropriates funds to the University of Hawaii to conduct a comprehensive study of a statewide carbon tax.

“I support HB 1584 HD 2, a bill that is dedicated to studying the feasibility and impacts of carbon pricing. The way we design and implement a carbon tax is critical to its effectiveness. A carbon tax needs to strike the right balance- it needs to be equitable for low-income households, result in significant carbon emissions reductions, and help Hawai‘i fund investments in clean energy and climate adaptation. A study bill is a critical first step to provide policy guidance on how Hawai‘i’s carbon tax should be structured.“

HB 1487, HD1 RELATING TO CLIMATE CHANGE - Establishes the Honolulu shoreline climate protection pilot project to develop a plan to protect urban Honolulu from the acute impacts of sea level rise, floodwater, storms, and other impacts of a rapidly changing climate.  Appropriates funds. 

“I support HB 1487 HD 1, which establishes and appropriates funds for the Honolulu shoreline climate protection pilot project to develop a plan to protect urban Honolulu from the acute impacts of sea level rise, floodwater, storms, and other impacts of a rapidly changing climate. The coastline of urban Honolulu will be a particularly important and challenging area to protect in the face of rising seas and more frequent flooding and inland inundation. HB 1487 directs the Hawaii Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission to plan a system of coastal protection for the “low-lying topography” of urban Honolulu, creating a shoreline buffer from the Honolulu International Airport to the Diamond Head State Monument.“

HB 1586, HD1 RELATING TO THE STRUCTURE OF GOVERNMENT - Establishes and transfers to a Department of Environment certain agencies and programs administered by the Department of Health (the Office of Environmental Quality Control and the Environmental Council) and the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism (the Energy Office and programs relating to climate adaptation planning in the Office of Planning) on July 1, 2021.

“I support this bill to create a new “Department of Environment” for the state of Hawai‘i. It would be beneficial to combine the existing state agencies dealing with environmental issues into a new agency that is streamlined and action-oriented. A Department of Environment could help to facilitate discussion about the impacts of climate change, breakdown departmental silos, and initiate sustainability and clean energy projects that will encourage conservation jobs, stimulate our economy, and protect Hawai‘i’s natural resources for future generations.”

Submit testimony for HB 549, HB 1487, HB 1584, and HB 1586 by logging into your account, entering in the bill number, and clicking submit testimony.